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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flashing the Firmware of your Xbox 360 DVD-Drive

If you have one of the Benq VAD6038 drives then you will need to have a SATA card (we recommend the VIA 6421) or compatible onboard SATA (such as Intel or VIA) and the flashing is done in DOS as there is no ModeB function so you will need to create a boot disk using something like iPrep. This will do all the hard work for you. You can choose to create a bootable floppy or USB flash drive. Our test rig uses a VIA 6421 SATA Card. iPrep will tell you if your Port is working and compatible (see Image 3).
The instructions are the same for both the Connectivity Kit 3 Pro & Lite. The tutorial assumes that you are using Windows XP.
1. We are first assuming that you have dissasembled your 360 and removed the DVD drive, If you haven't yet follow this tutorial. Connect power from the CK3 to the Benq DVD using the green power cable (make sure the connections are the right way around - there are guides on the connectors to help you - plug in the wrong way around and you will damage the drive - remember it's a power cable). Connect a molex power source to the CK3 (to be safe make sure the CK3 power switch is set to OFF). Connect the SATA cable from the DVD drive to your PC SATA. Now turn the CK3 power switch to ON. To check the power cable is working press the eject switch so that the tray ejects. See Image1 to show how everything should look.

Image 1
2. Now you have to create your bootdisk. The easiest way to do this is to install iPrep. You will then need to download the latest iXtreme Firmware that matches your drive. For this example we will be using iXtreme 1.5 for Benq drives. Once downloaded unrar the file to your C:\ drive (See Image 2).

Image 2
3. First insert your blank floppy disk or USB flash drive then load iPrep. You can select which drive you want to prepare as your iPrep boot disk. The example shows the floppy drive A:\. You should also tick the Format/Make device bootable box. Note that the VIA SATA Card is selected and it shows as MTKFlash and DosFlash compatible - this means we are good to go. Now click Load Firmware (See Image 3)

Image 3
4. We will be loading the Benq iXtreme 1.5 8x Firmware (File location Benq iXtreme 1.41 > 8x > fw > ix141-8x.bin (See Images 4,5,6 & 7) - Substitute with 1.5

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Image 7
5. If the firmware has loaded correctly the full name of the file will appear along with its MD5 hash signature. Now click Prepare Destination (See Image 8).

Image 8
6. A popup window will display the progress of the iPrep disk creation (See Image 9).

Image 9

Image 10
7. You are now read to flash your Benq drive. Reboot your PC with the Floppy / USB drive connected to the PC. Make sure that they are set as a bootable device in your system BIOS. If you do not know how to do this check your motherboard manual or look it up on Google.
8. The first screen is a disclaimer for the guys at X-Projects. Type the letter Y and press enter (See Image 11)

Image 11
9. Next you will be shown a screen with all the commands for both Samsung & Benq drives (See Image 12). You must first dump the original firmware from your Benq drive and then it will automatically patch it with the iXtreme firmware that you loaded into iPrep. The command for dumping the firmware is dben. As extra protection for your backups you must also type in a 7 digit serial number and then a 5 digital serial number. This usually corrolates to your Xbox's serial numbers however you can use any numbers you like. For this example we will use 1111111 & 22222. So the command to type is.....
dben 1111111 22222 (See Image 13)

Image 12
10. You will be given a message to turn your Benq drive off so turn the CK3 power switch to off then press any key. Now turn the CK3 ON then type Y for yes. If the drive status flashes between D1 or 51, turn the CK3 OFF and wait 2 seonds then turn it ON. The drive should start reading. When finished you will be asked to turn the Benq OFF. (See Image 13)

Image 13
11. Your dumped firmware is now being patched with iXtreme (See Image 14).

Image 14
12. Now to flash the drive with iXtreme. The procedure is exactley the same as dumping. Instead of using the dben command you will use the fben command with the same 7 & 5 digit serial numbers you used previousley. So in this case we will type.......
fben 1111111 22222
Again, turn the Benq power off by switching the CK3 power switch to off then press any key. Now turn the CK3 ON then type Y for yes. If the drive status flashes between D1 or 51, turn the CK3 OFF and wait 2 seonds then turn it ON. The drive should start erasing. When finished you will be asked to turn the Benq OFF. We find you don't usually need to do that for the next step so you can try whatever way is best for you. (See Image 15)

Image 15
13. After pressing any key the drive shoulkd now start to update the firmware (See Image 16)


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